Collection: Mahogany Obsidian

Focus / Energy / Emotion / Protection / Pain / Lower Backache / Solar Plexus Chakra / Sacral Chakra / Base Chakra

Mahogany Obsidian is an excellent blocker in filtering vibration, blocking those energy that do not resonate with the wearer. It provides a cooling energy, somewhere like how soil would cool off heat, thus giving a calming yet focus energy to the wearer.

It teaches to direct our precious energy to what is needed to be done.

Most importantly, Mahogany Obsidian can be used for restoring the spinning of our Solar Plexus, Sacral and Base Chakra back to the normal state, which aids in issues associated with those chakras, such as stabilizing, rejuvenating and calming. 

Mahogany Obsidian can help to ease lower back pain.



Message from Us:

Although this crystal is common, it is not easily available. I use Mahogany Obsidian to help to relieve soreness on my calf and wrist. It does not do miracle like taking away the pain but it does help to lessen it. It also helps to clear lower backaches.

So far Mahogany Obsidian is the best that I have discovered to be excellent in clearing blockage at our Sacral and Base chakra. When these 2 chakras are having blockage, we tend to feel tired even if we have enough sleep. And of course, lower backaches too.